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Enter the product codes that you want to add to the basket in bulk (after a comma, with a space or from a new line). Repeating the code many times will add this item as many times as it appears.

Wholesale Hurtel - contact

Retail orders

Landline: +48 68 300 01 56 (English only)
Mobile number: +48 534 990 277 (English only)

Wholesale Customer Support

Łukasz Ząbek

Manager of Export Department

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 533 414 775
Skype: Łukasz Hurtel

Wojciech Marciniak

Export Sales Specialist

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 533 799 914
Skype: Wojtek Hurtel

Martyna Gulińska

Export Sales Specialist

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 535 931 812
Skype: Martyna Hurtel

Karol Polak

Export Sales Specialist

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 574 220 233
Skype: Karol Hurtel

Nikodem Waśniewski

Export Sales Specialist

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 536 470 501
Skype: Nikodem Hurtel

Kinga Klisowska

Export Sales Specialist

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 536 513 717
Skype: Kinga Hurtel

Monika Michnacka

Export Sales Specialist

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 536 540 858
Skype: Monika Hurtel

Emilia Krzyżanowska

Export Sales Specialist

mobile/WhatsApp/Viber: +48 533 801 992
Skype: Emilia Hurtel

What promises to be a sales hit? What products won't spend much time in your warehouse or on store shelves? What is the latest shipment hiding? Or is there a way to get an additional favorable discount?

Only one person will answer these questions - your company's personal account manager at! This is a specialist who takes care of your account with our wholesaler. He is tasked with streamlining our cooperation and is on the "front line" - responding to your inquiries whether they concern product news or delivery times. Contact him as you prefer - by email, phone or online messenger (Skype, WhatsApp, Viber).

Customer Support

Tel: +48 533 414 775

Landline: +48 68 300 01 56


Working hours: 8:00 - 16:00

Account Number EUR: PL79 1140 1850 0000 3900 4900 1002

Account Number USD: PL52 1140 1850 0000 3900 4900 1003

Account Number PLN: 95 1140 1850 0000 3900 4900 1005

Account Number CZK: PL30 1140 1850 0000 3900 4900 1011

Account Number RON: PL14 1140 1850 0000 3900 4900 1008

Account Number HUF: PL84 1140 1850 0000 3900 4900 1009

Full name: HURTEL sp. z o.o

Address: ul. Międzyrzecka 12, 65-127 Zielona Góra (POLAND)

Shop Owner

HURTEL Sp. z o.o.

ul. Międzyrzecka 12

, 65-127 Zielona Góra


NIP: PL9731008073

Numer wpisu: 0000409264

REGON: 081016920

Numer konta do wpłat: PL79 1140 1850 0000 3900 4900 1002


Nasz bank: mBank

Telefon komórkowy: +48531155812

Visit one of our stores

If you want to pick up the order yourself or have a look at our products, you can do so in one of our stores. Check the addresses and delivery hours in order to choose the one tailored to your needs.

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